Art School

Wayfinder: Crucible Stone Kits

Wayfinder: Architecture Kits

Wayfinder: Factory Kit

Wayfinder: Mechanical Kits

Wayfinder: Gates and Doors

Vagrant Story: Zaland Sanctum

Vagrant Story: Lea Monde

The Sacred Vessel

Memoria Project

Memoria Project: Garnets Room

Memoria Project: Prima Vista

Memoria Project: Grand Piano

Memoria Project: Chocobo Fountain

Memoria Project: Props

Memoria Project: Treasure Chest

Memoria Project: Structure Kit

Civilization 7: Culture Kits

Metal Slug Tribute: Dragon Nosuke

Final Fantasy XII: Bahamut

League of Legends: Shurima

League of Legends: Bilgewater

League of Legends: Nexus Blitz

League of Legends: SR Texture Test

Final Fantasy Tactics: Orobonne Monastery

Xenogears: Holy Mother of Nissan

SCI-FI: Hallway

Dragon Quest: The Grind

Heroes: Sgt Hammer Mobster Skin

Heroes: Dragonshire 2.0

Heroes: Trees

Heroes: Alterac Pass Mana wells

Heroes: Alterac Pass Structure Kit

Heroes: Towers of Doom Barn Kit

Heroes: Towers of Doom Armory

Heroes: Towers of Doom Blacksmith

Heroes: Warhead Junction

Heroes: Braxis Holdout 01

Heroes: Braxis Holdout 02

Heroes: Volskaya

Heroes: Hanamura

Heroes: Battlefield of Eternity

Heroes: Bunkers

Heroes: Dark Nexus

Heroes: Loot

The Old Well

Red Earth

Art Test: Heroes

Art Test: Starcraft 2

Art Test: Diablo 3

Art Test: World of Warcraft

Til Mornings Light: Interiors

Til Mornings Light: Exteriors

Til Mornings Light: 2D Layouts

Silent Hill: Book of Memories

Twin Skies

Older Projects

Breakdown: Metal Slug

Breakdown: FFT Orbonne Monastery